Wednesday, July 12, 2017

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With the great-looks aesthetically, Lesser Voidcaller is popular in players and recognized be one of Black Desert Silver the most awesome pet in looking. It is probably one of the coolest pets to have if you are a Warlock and it looks even more awesome when you feed him the treat that makes him grow, as he becomes almost the size of a standard Voidwalker. The voidcaller's flavor text is accurate. It actually does call spirits; little purple wraiths (like the Lost of Lordaeron but violet). They wander about aimlessly for a little while then die. Very cool pet and many players absolutely love this pet when it eats smaller ghosts. With the celestial tournament out, he's now become quite valuable against a number of the tamers. However, being NOT being an Undead but having access to a large amount of Undead moves makes him very useful for the Celestial Tournament. This guy is one of player's favorites for pet PvP. He's a magic type that can use undead moves. Some players ran into lots of teams that have nonstop rabbits and humanoids and he can kill both.

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