Dark Age of Camelot itself is a unique DAOC Platiunm for sale and interesting MMORPG. The story works with stories surrounding the legendary King Arthur, as well as certain Celtic and Norse myths, to create a plot all its own. Players going through this story are must choose an army with which to align, as the game's central focus is a three-way war between the realms of Hibernia, Midgard, and Albion. While certain other games have featured multiple nations/factions/armies fighting for power, Dark Age of Camelot handles this strife unlike the rest by making server choice a determining factor in the actual importance of one's realm.
A graphic upgrade to visuals that DAOC Platiunm were already competitive shows the developers' desire to keep the game satisfying, new classes of characters are generally met with appreciation, and everyone loves new areas to explore. These additions sound great on the surface, sure, but that thinking will likely change upon seeing the actual quality of the new content. The biggest thing added by the new races in SI is visual. It's nice to have a greater variety in the way players look, but it's even better when those new toons can actually do something unique in battle. Even the new classes can not do much that existing ones can't. The potential abilities of the new races and new classes added in SI is nothing drastically different than what was already present in DAoC. Or, in more example-driven terms: players conceived no deeper gameplay strategies because of them.
This idea sounds exciting at first, and such a unique addition to an MMO could very well be a wonderful way to bring in new Dark Age of Camelot Platinum players. But then the player discovers that in order to embark on the "trials," a character must be at least level 40. Picture this: Johnny Newplayer loads up everything in the DAoC Platinum Edition, and sees withtin the very first few help screens a message saying in so many words "well, you can't do this until you're level 40." Okay, that's a small drag, but at least the player will have something to do when level 40 rolls around. Wrong. After Johnny Newplayer obtains a level 40 character, which consists of much more than simply leveling one character (he got curious about these other two realms, explored them, created other charcters to examine the other races, etc), he gets to Atlantis and finds there's nobody around. Players need a group to accomplish the bulk of DAOC Platiunm on sale Atlantis's goals, but finding one here is even tougher than being a Warrior in the notorious "Valkurm Dunes" of Final Fantasy XI.
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